Our theme has always been to “stick with what we are good at.” Dutch American Foods started out as a blender and blending continues to be our core capability. Over time, investment has been put into secondary packaging options in order to complement our blending and provide a full- service solution to our customers.
Our Capabilities
DAF uses stainless steel, double ribbon blenders in various sizes:
- 8,500 lb. Capacity
- 5,000 – 6,000 lb. Capacity
- 2,000 lb. Capacity
- 1,000 lb. Capacity
- Blenders are made of stainless steel construction
- Each have a dedicated processing room
- Processing rooms are temperature controlled
- A dust control system is provided to reduce dust level and to eliminate cross-contamination
- All blenders are equipped with rare earth magnets at discharge
All product discharged from the blender is then passed through various sifters.

Finding a solution for your packaging needs is our goal and DAF has proven itself capable and innovative in providing those solutions. If you do not see a solution to fit your needs please contact us to discuss.
Some of our packaging options include:
- Stand-Up Pouch
- Vertical Form Fill & Seal
- Horizontal Seal (Bartlet Pouches)
- Multi-Wall Bag
- Super Sack
- Corrugated Totes
- Corrugated Carton with Poly Liner
- Poly Bag
- Drums
- and more